"A word after a word after a word is power" - Margaret Atwood


A blog for readers and writers

A blog about the stories we tell each other and how we tell them...

Monday, 11 July 2011

Monday Quote for Writers

"Before you can be an actor, you have to think yourself an actor. Before you can be anything, you have to think yourself being that thing..."
From Believe the BBC4 documentary on Eddie Izzard that knits interviews with Eddie, his family, friends and colleagues with childhood home movies and early stand up shows.
Ok, so not 'I want to be a writer' but I am a writer...


Susiewrd said...

I was SO impressed by Eddie Izzard's unstoppable determination to show everyone that he is, was, always has been a performer.
I like the way you've blogged this. How hard it is to stay optimistic. I'm determined to be a Better Blogger for the sake of the good writers on my epublishing website. The target for them and for me and the site is to find those precious people; READERS.

BRIDGET said...

Thanks Susie - one of the things that came out of the documentary for me was just how had he worked/works. Reminds me of the Beckett quote: fail, fail again, fail better...