"A word after a word after a word is power" - Margaret Atwood


A blog for readers and writers

A blog about the stories we tell each other and how we tell them...

Wednesday 12 May 2010

A Writing Adventure for Londoners

Just heard that Spread the Word - the literature organization serving London writers - is joining forces with Coney (described as an interactive agency of adventure) to run a highly original writing experience on Saturday July 3rd. (Cost £50/35)
It starts with email instructions
Then, in the three weeks leading up to the event you will develop the story in collaboration with us and with the other writers taking part.
On the morning of the 3 July
you will be invited to The Southbank Centre to experience the adventure you have written which will be specially created by Coney.
The afternoon workshop will reveal how it was all done, outlining specific techniques and demonstrating how new technology can be used in writing and in the creation of this kind of work.
And finally, this journey opens up the possibility to taking part as writers in future Spread the Word and Coney collaborations.
Beginners and expereinced writers wlom but places are limited to 15. If you are intrested  email annette@spreadtheword.org.uk with a 500 word response to either one of the following:
"My perfect adventure" or "Is gravity responsible for falling in love?"
But you need to apply no later than noon on Friday 4 June. Good Luck!

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