"A word after a word after a word is power" - Margaret Atwood


A blog for readers and writers

A blog about the stories we tell each other and how we tell them...

Wednesday 31 March 2010

Take the Biscuit

This is an interesting international short story competition - the winner can choose the prize.
  • £1500  OR
  • A novella (guess that's around 50,000 words) or collection of short stories published PLUS £500
The organisors are Biscuit. They have been in the publishing industry for over 10 years and most of their authors seem to come from their competition winners. It's an ingenious way of supporting and discovering new writers.
Their website gives the kind of information that you don't normally see - apparently the competition usually attracts around 400 - 500 entries and the organisors estimate that the vast majority are of a high standard.  
Entry fee: £10
Closing date: April 14 2010
Click on the title of this post to go to the website.
(There is a Second Prize of £300 and a Third Prize of £150. Seven runners-up receive £25 each. The top ten stories will be published in an anthology, and each author will receive three copies.)

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