"A word after a word after a word is power" - Margaret Atwood


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Tuesday 26 October 2010

PAGE 99 - the true test

Open the book to page ninety nine, and the quality of the whole will be revealed to you.                        FORD MADDOX FORD
 Try it for yourself on this new website by clicking the title of this post. Read anonymous pages from the famous and the unpublished, from the classic to the so fresh the ink will come off on the screen. It's quite addictive. And you get to make comments. And you can post your own stuff too. What's not to like....
I admit that page 99 from A Good Confession is there. See if you can find it.
I suppose it does give a flavour of the book but there is one phrase that makes me wince every time I read it. How did that get past all the editing stages? What was I thinking of!

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