"A word after a word after a word is power" - Margaret Atwood


A blog for readers and writers

A blog about the stories we tell each other and how we tell them...

Monday, 4 July 2011

Mslexia's how-to poetry guide

To coincide with the MSLEXIA poetry competition (closing date July 14) the writing magazine have published an excellent guide to writing poems.
The last instalment is all about preparing your work for submission.
Summing up the advice in one sentence it goes something like...if you think it is ready to send off, don't...until you've answered the following questions:
Hold out the poem and scan it - does it look right on the page?
Does the poem fit the magazine or competition you’re targeting?
If it is free verse, what were your reasons for choosing to break the line there? (Clue: you really should have a reason...)
Does the poem feel abrupt? 
Is it too wordy?
Lots more advice (and answers) on the website - click the title of this post to go there

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